Note: The confocal microscopes in the Imaging Core use Class 3B lasers. This laser classification will cause injury upon direct viewing of the beam and specular reflections, but is not normally a fire hazard or a viewing hazard unless done under conditions of intentional staring within the diffuse hazard distance. If you plan to use any of the confocal microscopes, you must complete Laser Safety training through BioRaft (ESSR) before your training session.
Decide if you'd like to a) be fully trained to operate the microscope independently, or b) have the director operate the microscope for you. For information on microscope hourly rates and training fees, please see the Rate Schedule.
All prospective users must apply online (below), or download an Application Form, fill it out in detail, and email it to Amy Beaven ([email protected]). If you plan to image live BSL-2 samples, make sure to review the Facility SOP and provide the necessary information indicated in the application form. Upon receipt of the completed application, you will be contacted within 2 days.
Typical training times: 2-3 hrs for confocal; 30-60 min for the AxioObserver and Eclipse. Users are highly encouraged to bring their own samples to the training session. Follow-up sessions are required for the confocals. Users may not operate these microscopes independently until they receive permission from the Director. For a complete list of policies and procedures, see the Facility SOP.
Scheduling is accomplished using Google Calendar. You will receive an invite to an instrument's Google calendar once a valid UMD account is provided.
Prospective microscope users should review Facility SOP before attending the first training session. Prospective confocal users should also review the Laser Safety Protocol.
Arrive on time for your training session (0107 Microbiology building). If you are more than 15 minutes late, the training session will be canceled and you will be charged at the regular rate for the full length of the appointment. Cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance will also be charged at the regular rate.
Note: It is important to properly acknowledge the use of the Imaging Core in your publications. Acknowledgement helps us demonstrate and document how the Imaging Core contributes to the research community. It also aids us in our efforts to secure more funding to purchase additional instruments and offer new services. Suggested wording: "We acknowledge the Imaging Core Facility in the department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics at the University of Maryland--College Park for [name of instrument; brief description of assistance]". Imaging Core users should send a PDF copy of all publications to the director, Amy Beaven.
Zeiss LSM 980 users: the NIH requires that all publications containing data collected on the Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan, including press releases, acknowledge NIH grant support with a disclaimer such as the following: Purchase of the Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan 2 was supported by Award Number 1S10OD025223-01A1 from the National Institute of Health.
Leica Stellaris 8 users: the NIH requires that all publications containing data collected on th eLeica Stellaris 8, including press releases, acknowledge NIH grant support with a disclaimer such as the following: Purchase of the Leica Stellaris 8 was supported by Award Number 1S10ODO34260 from the National Institute of Health.