Faculty and students who wish to use the microscope should receive laser safety training and follow the instructions the New Users Guide.
The microscope is available to trained users on an equal basis. For a comprehensive list of policies (including BSL-2 protocols), please see the Facility SOP.
System Specifications
Microscope frame
Sutter Movable Objective Microscope (MOM) head, upright and tiltable from -45 to 90 deg
3D movable objective turret, 22 mm XY and 12.5 mm Z range stepper motors
User-replaceable emission filters (25 to 30 mm dia.)
From 15 Hz ( 512 lines uni-directional ) to 120 Hz ( 128 lines bi-directional ) raw frame rate
From 128 to 2048 pixels per line, square or rectangular (0.8x to 32x), with beam blanking
Processed multiphoton image rates = 1/5 raw frame rate; max 1 MHz / pixel, with tunable laser output
Field of View: from 2.1x1.7 to 0.31x0.25 mm^2 (for 10x to 60x objectives)
Auxiliary capabilities
Conventional wide-field epi-fluorescence imaging (with cooled CCD camera and blue or green LEDs excitation, 460-580 nm wide-band)
Oblique white light illumination via fiber optic waveguide
On-line motion compensation and activity tracking
Off-line Point Spread Function deconvolution with Volocity 3D
Laser sources
Mid-IR amplified laser source, <100 fs pulses tunable from 1200 to 2000 nm @ 1 MHz
Near-IR fiber laser fixed at 1064 nm, <300 fs pulses @ 80 MHz, ~6 W max.