Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan 2 Laser Scanning Confocal
Ideal for imaging diverse fluorophores in fixed and live samples. Lasers (all solid state) include: 405, 405, 445, 488, 514, 561nm, 639nm. The system is equipped with 2 PMTs, a 32-channel GaAsP spectral detector, an Airyscan 2 detector with fast 4Y mode, motorized x-y stage, piezo-z, microscope enclosure, and stage-top environmental chamber. An offline computer workstation is available for processing. **Purchase of the Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan 2 was supported by Award Number 1S10OD025223-01A1 from the National Institute of Health. **
Leica Stellaris 8 FALCON laser Scanning Confocal
Ideal for imaging diverse fluorophores in fixed and live samples. Lasers include: 405nm and white light (440-790nm, tunable in 1nm increments). System is equipped with 5 HyD's (3 HyD S, 2 HyD X), motorized x-y stage, galvo-z, stage-top environmental chamber, and resonance scanner for high-speed imaging.
Zeiss LSM 710 Laser Scanning Confocal
Ideal for imaging fixed, live (room temperature), single or multi-labeled samples. System is equipped with a manual stage, 3 PMT light detectors, and 6 laser lines (405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633nm) Suitable applications include colocalization studies, immunofluorescence, FRAP and time courses.
DeltaVision Elite Deconvolution/TIRF
The DeltaVision is a 3-D deconvolution system with 488 and 561nm lasers for TIRF (total internal reflection microscopy). Features include motorized x-y stage, environmental chamber, and fluorescence filters for DAPI, CFP, GFP, YFP, dsRed, mCherry and Cy5. The system excels at imaging "small, dim, live" samples.
Zeiss AxioObserver Fluorescence
This inverted microscope is equipped with phase contrast, standard fluorescence filters (DAPI, GFP, DsRed, CFP, YFP), and an AxioCam MRm monochrome camera. Suitable for imaging of bacteria and thin fluorescently labeled samples. Two long-working distances lenses (20, 40x) and a 96-well plate stage adapter allows for imaging of cells in culture.
Nikon Eclipse Upright
Equipped with a monochrome camera, color camera and motorized x-y stage. Suitable for imaging immunohistochemical stained samples. Fluorescence filters include DAPI, GFP, dsRed, though the filter turret is not motorized.
CMNS Imaging Incubator (Physical Sciences Complex)*
*Contact Dr. Aleksandr Smirnov for information and training |
Amy Beaven
CBMG Imaging Core Director [email protected], 301.405.7238 0107 Microbiology Building |
Dr. Charles Delwiche
Imaging Facilities Supervisor [email protected], 301.405.8286 2108 Bioscience Research Building |