ASI diSPIM LightsheetIdeal for image diverse fluorophores in groups of cells or small organisms that are 30 to 300 microns thick. The system is equipped with 405, 488, 561, 640nm lasers, motorized stage, dual Andor ZYLA cameras, and incubation control.
JPK NanoWizard 4a Atomic Force Microscope
The JPK AFM combines atomic resolution with fast scanning. The system is capable of acquiring brightfield and fluorescence images while characterizing the mechanical, electrical, chemical and magnetic properties of samples in both air and liquid, including live biological samples in near-physiological conditions. Samples can be scanned with line rates up to 70 Hz with a scan range of 100 microns, allowing researchers to study fine structure and dynamic processes in living cells.
3-Photon Microscope
Now operational!