Ideal for imaging diverse fluorophores in fixed and live samples.
Suitable applications include colocalization studies, FRAP, FRET, spectral imaging, and time courses.
Lasers, all solid state: 405, 445, 488, 514, 561nm, 639nm.
Objectives: 10x, 20x, 40x oil, 63x oil, 40x long working distance water
Features: 2 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), one 32-channel spectral GaAsP, one Airyscan 2 detector with 4Y fast mode, one transmitted light PMT, motorized x-y stage, piezo z, temperature/CO2 incubation, Zen One software.
Analysis: An off-line workstation will be available for imaging analysis.
New Users
Note: the NIH requires that all publications containing data collected on the Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan, including press releases, acknowledge NIH grant support with a disclaimer such as the following: Purchase of the Zeiss LSM 980 Airyscan 2 was supported by Award Number 1S10OD025223-01A1 from the National Institute of Health.
Faculty and students who wish to use the microscope should follow the instructions in the New Users Guide. Training takes ~2 to 3 hrs, with additional mandatory follow-up sessions required until the director determines the user is capable of operating the microscope independently. Users are encouraged to bring their own samples to the training session. If none are available, prepared slides will be used.
The microscope is available to trained users on an equal basis. Individual users may reserve one four hour block of time during "peak" daytime hours, and an additional 6 "off-peak" hours (all other times).
For a comprehensive list of policies (including BSL-2 protocols), please see the Facility SOP.
The hourly rate for UMD users will be $28/hr peak (8am-6pm M-F), $22/hr off-peak (all other times). Fees are used to help cover the cost of the service contract on the microscope, which is partially subsidized by the department, and to help pay for materials such as lens paper, lens cleaning solution and mercury bulbs.
System Specifications
Microscope Stand
Zeiss AxioObserver inverted stand
All solid state lasers: 405, 445, 488, 514, 561nm, 639nm
Fully spectra 32-channel spectral GaAsP detector and Airyscan 2 detector
Light detector
2 PMTs, 32-CH spectral GaAsP, Airyscan 2 with 4Y fast mode, 1 transmitted light PMT
Objective Lenses
10x/0.45 NA 20x/0.8 NA, DIC 40x/1.3 NA oil, DIC 63x/1.4 NA oil, DIC 40x/ 1.1 W-Corr, 0.62 WD